Git Learning Roadmap 2025

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Roadmap: Mastering Git in 2025


Git is an indispensable tool for version control and collaboration in software development. Git, a distributed version control system, allows you to track changes, manage different versions of your codebase, and work on multiple features simultaneously. It helps maintain a complete history of your project and enables seamless integration of contributions from different developers. To get started, install Git, configure it, and initialize a repository. Clone it locally, make changes, commit them, and push updates to a remote repository. By leveraging branching, merging, and pull requests, you can efficiently collaborate with others and maintain a seamless development workflow.

Learning RoadMap



Learn the basics: repositories, commits, branches, and clones.

Setting Up Your Environment

Installing Git

  • Windows: Download and install from the Git official website.
  • macOS: Use Homebrew:
    brew install git
  • Linux: Install via package manager, e.g.,
    sudo apt-get install git

Configuring Git

Set your username and email:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Core Concepts


A repository is a storage space for your project. Initialize a new repository:

git init


A commit records changes to the repository. Stage and commit changes:

git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"


Branches allow you to work on different versions of a project simultaneously. Create and switch to a new branch:

git branch new-feature
git checkout new-feature


Cloning creates a local copy of a remote repository:

git clone

Working with Remote Repositories

Pushing Changes

After committing, push your changes to a remote repository:

git push origin branch-name

Pulling Changes

Update your local repository with changes from the remote:

git pull origin branch-name


Forking and Pull Requests

  • Forking: Create your own copy of someone else's repository on GitHub.
  • Pull Requests: Propose changes to the original repository.

Advanced Topics

Merging and Rebasing

  • Merging: Combine changes from different branches.
  • Rebasing: Reapply commits on top of another base tip.

Resolving Conflicts

When conflicts occur during merges:

# Edit the conflicted files to resolve issues
git add resolved-file
git commit

Branching & Merging


Master feature branches, merging, and rebasing.

Why Use Branches?

Branches allow developers to work on new features or bug fixes independently without affecting the main branch.
Common branching strategies include:

  • Feature branches: For developing new features.
  • Hotfix branches: For urgent fixes in production.
  • Release branches: For preparing stable releases.

To create and switch to a new branch:

git checkout -b feature-branch

Merging: Combining Changes

When a branch is ready, it must be merged back into main.

  • Fast-forward merge: Used when main has not changed since branching.
  • Three-way merge: Needed when both main and the branch have new commits.

Merge a branch into main:

git checkout main
git merge feature-branch

If unnecessary commits appear, consider a squash merge to combine them into a single commit.

Rebasing: Keeping a Linear History

Instead of merging, rebasing moves your branch on top of the latest main changes, keeping history cleaner.

git checkout feature-branch
git rebase main

If conflicts occur, resolve them, then:

git add resolved-file
git rebase --continue

⚠️ Caution: Avoid rebasing branches that others are working on, as it rewrites commit history.

Cleaning Up Branches

Once merged, delete a branch locally:

git branch -d feature-branch

And remotely:

git push origin --delete feature-branch

Collaboration with Git


Work with remotes, forks, pull requests, and reviews.

Working with Remote Repositories

A remote repository allows multiple developers to collaborate on the same project.
To link a local project to a remote repository (e.g., on GitHub or GitLab), add a remote URL:

git remote add origin

Fetch the latest changes before starting new work:

git pull origin main

Push your local commits to the remote repository:

git push origin branch-name

Forking a Repository

A fork is a copy of someone else’s repository in your own account, allowing you to modify it independently.
After forking, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Sync with the original repository to get updates:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

Pull Requests: Contributing to a Project

Once changes are made in your fork, submit a pull request (PR) to propose merging them into the original project.
Best practices for PRs:

  • Keep changes focused and small.
  • Write a clear description explaining your changes.
  • Request a code review from maintainers.

Code Reviews and Collaboration

Reviews ensure code quality and catch potential issues before merging.
When reviewing PRs:
✅ Check for clarity, efficiency, and security.
✅ Suggest improvements via comments.
✅ Approve or request changes before merging.

Advanced Git


Learn interactive rebase, cherry-picking, and bisect.

Interactive Rebase: Rewriting History

Interactive rebase lets you modify, reorder, squash, or edit commits to maintain a clean history.

Start an interactive rebase for the last 5 commits:

git rebase -i HEAD~5

You'll see a list of commits in your editor. Change pick to:

  • reword → Edit commit message
  • squash → Merge commit with the previous one
  • edit → Modify the commit

Once done, save and continue:

git rebase --continue

⚠️ Warning: Avoid rewriting history on shared branches!

Cherry-Picking: Selectively Apply Commits

Cherry-picking allows you to apply a specific commit from one branch to another.

Find the commit hash (git log or git reflog), then:

git cherry-pick <commit-hash>

This is useful when you need only certain changes from another branch.

Git Bisect: Debugging with Binary Search

When a bug appears, git bisect helps find the exact commit that introduced it using binary search.

Start bisecting:

git bisect start
git bisect bad  # Mark the current (buggy) commit
git bisect good <commit-hash>  # Mark a known good commit

Git will check out a middle commit—test if the bug exists and mark it:

git bisect good   # If the bug isn’t present
git bisect bad    # If the bug is present

Repeat until Git finds the problematic commit. Then reset:

git bisect reset

Handling Git Issues


Solve conflicts, recover lost commits, and use reflog.

Solving Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts happen when Git can’t automatically combine changes from different branches.
When a conflict occurs, Git marks the problematic files. Open them and look for conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>).

  1. Manually edit the file to keep the correct changes.
  2. Stage the resolved file:
git add resolved-file
  1. Complete the merge:
git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict"

To abort a merge if things go wrong:

git merge --abort

Recovering Lost Commits

If you accidentally lose commits (e.g., through a hard reset), use git reflog to find them:

git reflog

This shows a history of all branch movements. To restore a lost commit:

git checkout <commit-hash>

Or reset the branch to an earlier state:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>

Undoing Mistakes

  • Undo last commit (keep changes unstaged):
git reset HEAD~1
  • Undo last commit (discard changes permanently):
git reset --hard HEAD~1
  • Restore a deleted file:
git checkout HEAD -- path/to/file

Take a break!
Remember that git is one of those things that you have to know as well as speak your native language, use it daily!
